According to Pliny the Elder, there were several kinds of villas: the villa urbana, which was a country seat that could easily be reached from Rome (or another city) for a night or two, and the villa rustica, the farm-house estate, ... Around 590, Saint Eligius was born in a highly-placed Gallo-Roman family at the 'villa' of Chaptelat near Limoges, in Aquitaine (now France). The abbey at Stavelot was founded ca 650 on the domain of a former villa near Li?ge and the abbey ...
Si festeggia l'onomastico il 1° dicembre, in memoria di Sant'Eligio, nato a Chaptelat in Francia nel 588, orefice abilissimo, resse la zecca reale sotto Dagoberto I e Clotario II. Pi? tardi divenne vescovo di ...... La leggenda racconta che il Santo divise il suo mantello con un povero viandante e la sua buona azione fu ricompensata da un clima divenuto mite e ancora oggi le giornate tiepide che si hanno intorno all' 11 novembre vengono definite "l'estate di San Martino". ...
around 590, saint eligius was born in a highly-placed gallo-roman family at the 'villa' of bchaptelat/b near limoges, in aquitaine (now france). the abbey at stavelot was founded ca 650 on the domain of a former villa near li?ge and the ...